Shocking similarities!!
By now I've shown you using my incredibly sohpisticated phots and videos that, beyond a doubt, Tinky Winky eats people. Now, like you needed any more evidence, I've stuck together some shocking similarities between TW himself, the evil thing, and other similarly evil things.

You're all familiar with the little symbols sticking out of the telletubbies' little evil heads. Well, have you ever noticed that by just adding and manipulating a few lines of Tinky Winky's symbol, you'll get the pentogram, sign of complete evil!?!?! Oh, and just to shoot two birds with one stone, I'd like to refer your attention to the fact that the star in the pentogram is upside down. If the star would be right side up, it would be the pentacle, sign of complete goodness. I hate it when people get it mixed up, they just look so stupid...

Yes, everyone, that's right. Tinky Winky looks almost identical to the most evil pop-star of all time, Britanny Spears. They're so similar looking it's spooky. I wrote Britanny Spears, asking her about the strange 'coincidence', but all I got was a letter from her people suggesting I seek phsyciatric help. You know what, Britanny Spears!? You can't hold back the secret forever! We know you and Tinky Winky are twins and that you both plot to destroy the world, You with your horrible music and TW with his eating of people!!
I recently showed this page to a Tubby-lover, in hopes that she might see the light. But she just said that I was insane, that anything could look like a pentogram with several added and manipulated lines, and that TW looks nothing like britanny spears. She also said that she liked Brittany Spears music, it was catchy. Coincidence? I don't think so.